Week in Review: 8 – 10 October 2019

During the week in review, the National Assembly covered a wide range of its duties, including ministerial statements, reports, bills, and motions. The issue of quorum and questions and answers were discussed as follows: On Tuesday 8 October, the Speaker of the National Assembly announced that his office received a petition from members of Fridays […]

Housing in Namibia

Findings from a survey around the country, and recommendations for going forward.

What does the APRM mean for Namibia?

*This post is adapted from the briefing paper “Namibia and the African Peer Review Mechanism: Committing to Improved Governance” by Steven Gruzd. On Saturday 28 January 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, President Hage Geingob signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), committing Namibia to Africa’s premier governance assessment and promotion […]

Namibia and the African Peer Review Mechanism

Namibia recently joined the African Peer Review Mechanism, a process by which African countries agree to be evaluated by their neighbours with the goal of improving governance on the continent. In the words of the paper, This short guide is aimed at Namibian civil society, parliament and policymakers, to explain how the APRM arose and […]

Hybrid model a step in the right direction

The IPPR’s recent report on State-Owned Enterprises is covered in the Observer. The article quotes IPPR Research Associate, Max Weylandt, on potential benefits of the new governance system: “There are many ways in which Namibia can benefit from it, as it is efficient and useful in times of fiscal restraints. In theory the central body […]

IPPR makes recommendations on SOEs governance

This Namibian article addresses a key concern raised in our report on SOEs: According to Weylandt, the classification of these enterprises is still not clear because a state-owned enterprise such as the controversial Namib Desert Diamonds (Namdia) still resorts under the mines and energy ministry instead of the public enterprises ministry, like all other commercial […]