Economy Watch November 2016

The latest bulletin looks at the Minister of Finance’s mid-year review and Namibia’s performance in the Doing Business rankings

Economy Watch September 2016


The IPPR report for Namibia since 2010 based on the  World Economic Forum (WEF) release of  the Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) 2016/17 on 28 September 2016.  

Economy Watch July 2016


A regular review of economic developments affecting Namibia including the potential Brexit fallout

Economy Watch May 2016


The latest summary of developments affecting the Namibian economy looks at oil, inflation, crops and commodities

Economy Watch September 2015

Review of recent developments including concerns over Namibia’s trade balance, weakening commodity prices and exchange rate turbulence.

Economy Watch July 2015

This regular bulletin on the economy focusses on the implications of recent free trade agreements