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Data Deficits Undermine Procurement Governance

Take a look at our first Procurement Tracker of 2024 which dives into the pressing issues of data deficits, explores the importance of open contracting, and uncovers how the ATI law intertwines with public procurement. 

Is Namibia Meeting Its Procurement Commitments?

In this edition of Procurement Tracker we look at how Namibia is shaping up in terms of its commitments on procurement under the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), at the continuing confusion around the pharmaceuticals supply tender, and we unwrap the issue of debarment (exclusion of tainted companies and individuals).

TransNamib ‘Irregularities’ Flagged

In this edition of Procurement Tracker we look at at what a recent investigation report said about TransNamib’s procurement practices. In addition, the governance risks in the upstream petroleum sector are put under the spotlight. The bulletin also gives an update on the recent controversial health tenders.

Investigating Procurement

In the light of recent procurement scandals, it’s time to give teeth to the procurement system’s investigative capabilities.

CPBN In Crosshairs

This edition of Procurement Tracker Namibia examines various contentious aspects of the clinical supplies awards by the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN).

‘The Largest Tender In Namibia’s History’

This edition of Procurement Tracker looks at how the procurement issues around Namibia’s much-vaunted green hydrogen plans have been handled from a governance point of view. The bulletin also rounds up recent news including developments in the long-running government medical aid saga.

Procurement Unit Faces Up To System Challenges

The Procurement Policy Unit in the Ministry of Finance has laid bare some of the challenges it faces in a combined report for 2017-20 that was recently tabled in the National Assembly. This edition of the Procurement Tracker bulletin looks at the critical issues the report raises and the solutions that are also posited.

Procurement Data Under The Microscope

For the first time Namibians have reasonably good access to what’s happening in the public procurement world via data made available by the Procurement Policy Unit in the Ministry of Finance. In this edition of Procurement Tracker Namibia we take a look at the procurement data of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MHSS) […]