Thoughts On The Pandemic – Two Years On

State of Emergency The initial lockdown was difficult for the public to deal with, but it was necessary. At the time we didn’t know how harmful the virus might be – so it was legitimate for government to introduce emergency measures and limit some rights, such as freedom of movement and size of public gatherings. […]

COVID-19 exposes housing neglect

IPPR research associates Dietrich Remmert and Pauline Ndhlovu argue that Namibia’s COVID-19 emergency has magnified long-standing policy and implementation failures on crucial issues such as water, sanitation, healthcare and housing in an opinion piece in The Namibian newspaper.

The APRM Process in Namibia – A Call For Action

In January 2017, Namibia became the 36th African Union (AU) member state to voluntarily accede to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). The APRM’s rules require that civil society is meaningfully involved in each country’s review process. Together with government and the private sector, the country’s civil society sought to diagnose governance strengths and weaknesses, […]