Namibia QER Quarter 1 2023
With significant power outages in neighbouring South Africa and Zambia, questions inevitably arise about the reliability of Namibia’s electricity supply. This edition of the IPPR’s Quarterly Economic Review includes a concise overview of where Namibia stands as far as electricity supply is concerned. In addition, this QER features the usual data on economic trends and […]
Namibia’s Green Transition
Climate change is likely to have huge implications for Namibia’s society and economy over the short, medium and long term. Namibia will stand a better chance of tackling the challenges caused by climate change if it prepares for them and enacts the right policies and actions at the right time. While Namibia has a well-established […]
Namibia QER Quarter 1 2022
This QER for the first quarter of 2022 looks at economic developments in Namibia between January 1 and March 31, and includes a special focus on Namibia’s recent investment summits. This short feature examines the available data and information on Namibia’s investment climate and asks whether Namibia’s current approach to investment promotion is working.
Thoughts On The Pandemic – Two Years On
State of Emergency The initial lockdown was difficult for the public to deal with, but it was necessary. At the time we didn’t know how harmful the virus might be – so it was legitimate for government to introduce emergency measures and limit some rights, such as freedom of movement and size of public gatherings. […]
Namibia QER Quarter 4 2021
The QER for the fourth quarter of 2021 looks at economic developments in Namibia between October 1 and December 31, and includes a special focus on green hydrogen. This short feature looks at the progress Namibia has made in developing its own green hydrogen and ammonia industry and some of the challenges it will face […]
Namibia QER Quarter 3 2021
The QER for the third quarter of 2021 looks at economic developments in Namibia between July and September, and includes a special focus on the affordability of a Basic Income Grant (BIG)
Namibia QER Quarter 2 2021
The QER for the second quarter of 2021 looks at economic developments between April and June, and includes a special focus on the tourism industry – examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for recovery.
Namibia QER Quarter 1 2021
The QER for the first quarter of 2021 looks at economic developments between January and March and includes a special focus on the 2021/22 national budget as tabled on March 17 – looking at revenue, expenditure, tax proposals, debt and deficit.
Namibia QER Quarter 4 2020
The QER for the last quarter of 2020 looks at economic developments between October and December and also assesses the impact of COVID-19 on the economy throughout the year – including GDP, revenue, employment, business viability, and tourism
Namibia QER Quarter 3 2020
This quarterly economic review from the IPPR examines economic developments that took place in the third quarter of 2020, which saw the COVID-19 pandemic hit the economy hard with job losses across various sectors. The government, for the first time since Independence, sought a major loan from the IMF. This QER also includes a special […]