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Namibia QER Quarter 1 2024

This edition of the IPPR’s Quarterly Economic Review includes a special feature which examines whether government has indulged in election-related spending splurges since independence. Budgets in election years are reviewed including the 2024/25 budget tabled ahead of the 27 November 2024 national elections. The QER also includes the usual Quarter Summary, News Highlights, Key Economic Variables, […]

The National Budget 2024-25

The 2024-25 National Budget indicated that Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi has successfully steered the country’s public finances through their most challenging period since Independence. Yet, as the Minister admitted, the recovery will not be nearly sufficient to address the country’s high unemployment levels. Creating sustainable employment opportunities remains the central economic challenge facing Namibia.

Namibia QER Quarter 4 2023

This edition of the IPPR’s Quarterly Economic Review includes a special feature on Public Enterprise Reform. The issue of the fiscal burden placed on the nation’s public finances by underperforming public enterprises (or State-Owned Enterprises) has been a perennial concern since the 1990s when so many new state-owned companies were created. And like so many […]

SME Financing in Namibia

SMEs are widely understood to be crucial for economic growth and job creation. After the collapse of the SME Bank in 2017, what are the options for support for this vital but often neglected sector of the economy?

The Cost Of Living Crisis

In 2022, the United Nations Development Programme estimated that the global cost of living crisis had pushed over 51 million people into extreme poverty at the US$ 1.90-a-day poverty line with an additional 20 million people falling into poverty at the US$ 3.20-a-day benchmark, bringing the net cumulative figure to 22.7% of the world’s population. […]

State of the Economy 2023

The presentation made by economist Robin Sherbourne at the IPPR’s annual State of the Namibian Economy event on 22 August 2023

Namibia QER Quarter 2 2023

This edition of the IPPR’s Quarterly Economic Review includes an overview of statistics relating to land reform and concludes that there is little official interest in measuring the success or otherwise of the land reform programme. In addition, this QER features the usual data on economic trends and a summary of recent news highlights affecting […]

Namibia QER Quarter 1 2023

With significant power outages in neighbouring South Africa and Zambia, questions inevitably arise about the reliability of Namibia’s electricity supply. This edition of the IPPR’s Quarterly Economic Review includes a concise overview of where Namibia stands as far as electricity supply is concerned. In addition, this QER features the usual data on economic trends and […]

Namibia’s Green Transition

Climate change is likely to have huge implications for Namibia’s society and economy over the short, medium and long term. Namibia will stand a better chance of tackling the challenges caused by climate change if it prepares for them and enacts the right policies and actions at the right time. While Namibia has a well-established […]

Namibia QER Quarter 1 2022

This QER for the first quarter of 2022 looks at economic developments in Namibia between January 1 and March 31, and includes a special focus on Namibia’s recent investment summits. This short feature examines the available data and information on Namibia’s investment climate and asks whether Namibia’s current approach to investment promotion is working.