Problematic Influences – African national security narratives impacting Namibia

States have a legitimate mandate to protect national security. However, on a global scale, the concept of national security has increasingly become a problematic framework for state approaches to cyberspace and digital technology law. In many countries, the state frequently invokes the rhetoric of national security to justify authoritarian repression and human rights violations. In […]

Quality of Democracy Under Threat

New state mass surveillance powers and looming watered-down privacy protections will damage Namibia’s press freedom standing    Just after 9 am on 3 May 2023 the Namibian presidency issued a statement to mark the country’s retaking of first position on the African continent on the 2023 World Press Freedom Index. Pride dripped from a World Press […]

Parliament In The Budget

The legislature’s direct share from the budget has increased significantly but are Namibian taxpayers getting value for their money?

Changes To Electoral Law Looming

Throughout 2022, electoral authorities gathered comments and inputs from stakeholders with a view to parliament amending the Electoral Act of 2014 before the 2024 national elections.

Thinking About Data Protection

A draft data protection bill has been made public and it is clear that it requires a lot more work before it should be tabled in parliament. This Perspectives on Parliament bulletin includes both IPPR and Legal Assistance Centre commentaries on the bill – which have been submitted to the Ministry of Information and Communication […]

Public Trust In Parliament In Decline

Public perceptions of the Namibian Parliament continue to trend towards the negative – reflecting a broader decline in trust in political and government institutions over the years.

Data Protection Bill: Not Fit For Purpose

This review of the proposed Data Protection Bill for Namibia argues that the draft law requires further development to ensure that it meets the requirements of a contemporary data protection framework. The sections on the independence of the Supervisory Authority need to be reconsidered and substantially redrafted, and sections concerning offences, penalties, and administrative penalties […]

Civil Society Sustainability Index – Namibia

This short paper was prepared by the IPPR for the CSO Sustainability Index (2021) – covering issues facing Namibian civil society across seven dimensions: Legal Environment, Organisational Capacity, Financial Viability, Advocacy, Service Provision, Sectoral Infrastructure, and Public Image. The report is based on the comments and scores of a panel of civil society experts combined […]