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Open Budget Survey 2023

When governments provide information and meaningful channels for the public to engage in the budget process, we can better ensure public money is spent in the public interest. The latest Open Budget Survey (OBS) reveals that Namibia is progressing in terms of budget transparency and public participation, but still has work to do on budget […]

Namibia QER Quarter 1 2024

This edition of the IPPR’s Quarterly Economic Review includes a special feature which examines whether government has indulged in election-related spending splurges since independence. Budgets in election years are reviewed including the 2024/25 budget tabled ahead of the 27 November 2024 national elections. The QER also includes the usual Quarter Summary, News Highlights, Key Economic Variables, […]

The National Budget 2024-25

The 2024-25 National Budget indicated that Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi has successfully steered the country’s public finances through their most challenging period since Independence. Yet, as the Minister admitted, the recovery will not be nearly sufficient to address the country’s high unemployment levels. Creating sustainable employment opportunities remains the central economic challenge facing Namibia.

Civil Society Sets Out 2024-25 Budget Priorities

A media release from the Civil Society Information Centre (CIVIC +264) and the IPPR regarding budget priorities. The concerns arise from civil society consultations with the Minister of Finance and the National Planning Commission Director-General that took place in 2023.

2023-24: National Budget Review

With the economy continuing to recover from the blows struck by COVID, revenues are on the rise aided by a N$10 billion increase in the SACU subsidy. In view of the increased fiscal space, cash transfers to the poorest and most vulnerable were increased. Rising public debt remains a worry. But it does seem that […]

Parliament In The Budget

The legislature’s direct share from the budget has increased significantly but are Namibian taxpayers getting value for their money?

Mid-Year Budget Review 22/23: Analysis

Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi tabled Namibia’s Mid-Year Budget Review in the National Assembly on 25 October 2022. This analysis looks at key aspects of the budget including growth prospects, an unexpected upturn in revenue, the tendency to increase spending rather than pay down debt, the overall fiscal picture, and whether the budget documents disclose enough […]

2022-23: National Budget Review

With the economy only slowly starting to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022-23 national budget was a mostly modest affair. Revenue was once again limited. With public debt still threatening to spiral out of control, the minister sought to limit the size of the deficit by imposing restraints on spending. Despite […]