2023-24: National Budget Review
With the economy continuing to recover from the blows struck by COVID, revenues are on the rise aided by a N$10 billion increase in the SACU subsidy. In view of the increased fiscal space, cash transfers to the poorest and most vulnerable were increased. Rising public debt remains a worry. But it does seem that […]
Parliament In The Budget
The legislature’s direct share from the budget has increased significantly but are Namibian taxpayers getting value for their money?
Investigating Procurement
In the light of recent procurement scandals, it’s time to give teeth to the procurement system’s investigative capabilities.
Parliament’s Agenda For Change
Parliament’s Agenda for Change report dates back to 1995. The ‘Agenda’ has again been referenced during the rollout of recent initiatives around the Namibian parliament, but what exactly is the ‘Agenda for Change’ and is the report still relevant after so many years?
Changes To Electoral Law Looming
Throughout 2022, electoral authorities gathered comments and inputs from stakeholders with a view to parliament amending the Electoral Act of 2014 before the 2024 national elections.
Political Parties Failing To Account For Funds
As the 2023/24 national budget is tabled in the National Assembly, many of the political parties in parliament are failing to lawfully and properly account for their finances.
Concerns Rising Over MPs’ Asset Registers
The failure of many MPs to declare their interests and assets in a timely and comprehensive manner continues to cast a pall over parliamentary proceedings.
CPBN In Crosshairs
This edition of Procurement Tracker Namibia examines various contentious aspects of the clinical supplies awards by the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN).
Namibia QER Quarter 4 2022
This edition of the IPPR’s Quarterly Economic Review asks if Namibia’s public debt is sustainable. We review the latest debt figures and also call for the Ministry of Finance to publish “a comprehensive and detailed account of Namibia’s public debt as part of the national budget”. In addition, the QER includes the usual data on […]
Thinking About Data Protection
A draft data protection bill has been made public and it is clear that it requires a lot more work before it should be tabled in parliament. This Perspectives on Parliament bulletin includes both IPPR and Legal Assistance Centre commentaries on the bill – which have been submitted to the Ministry of Information and Communication […]