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Namibia QER – Quarter 4 2018

A new economic review – to be published four times a year – which summarises recent economic developments and news highlights as well as providing an overview of data trends and key economic variables. This first edition also includes a special focus on reforming Namibia’s commercial public enterprises. Produced with the support of the Hanns […]

Towards A Blue Economy

What is the Blue Economy? And what could it mean for Namibia, a country with a 1,500 km coastline – much of it pristine desert? The IPPR’s new publication examines these questions and suggests ways in which Namibia can harness the potential of its coastal regions in a sustainable way.

IJG Business Climate Monitor November 2018

The IJG Business Climate Monitor for November underlined the economic gloom hanging over Namibia and indicated that any recovery is likely to be slow and inconsistent. The main index dropped below the 50 point mark on the back of reductions in the amount of building plans approved and completed as well as the number of […]

IJG Business Climate Monitor October 2018

The IJG Business Climate Monitor continued its decline in October 2018 for the sixth consecutive month. The IJG BCM fell by 1.2 points to 51.21. However, a significant improvement in the leading indicator suggested the business climate may be about to improve.

IJG Business Climate Monitor September 2018

There were some signs of economic recovery reflected in the leading indicator, which is designed to predict the future course of the IJG Business Climate Monitor. However, the Business Climate Monitor (BCM) as a whole dropped by 0.67 points in September – a clear sign that the economy is still contracting. The 31 indicators that […]

Civil Society Sustainability Index – Findings on Namibia

This short brief on the state of civil society in Namibia is part of a global report based on the CSO Sustainability Index for 2017. The report, which was compiled by the IPPR following a period of research and a panel of experts discussion, examines the state of civil society across seven dimensions. These are […]

Creaking Under Its Own Weight

Bottlenecks and backlogs continue to undermine the delivery of justice in Namibia  – thereby fuelling negative perceptions of the rule of law and the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Efforts over recent years to introduce case management systems and speed up the handling of cases appear to have only had a minimal effect. Many […]

Muckraking in Namibia

Investigative journalism shines a light of accountability on those who seek to commit acts of corruption under a shroud of secrecy. Yet, investigative journalism cannot play a meaningful role in reducing corruption unless it is properly funded and supported. In Namibia, the pressures of producing daily newspapers can mean there is a lack of resources […]

IJG Business Climate Monitor August 2018

The IJG Business Climate Monitor (BCM) stood at 52.5 points in August – a slight decline of 0.7 on the previous month. Signs of economic recovery remained mixed. Some 14 of the 31 indicators measured by the BCM improved while the remainder declined. On the positive side, livestock sales and cattle prices, building plans approved […]

Economy Watch Namibia November 2018

The IPPR’s latest economic bulletin bemoans the fact that Namibia continues to drift down global competitiveness and ease of doing business rankings despite the fact that improvements have been factored into national development targets. Namibia’s economic prospects for the next year remain less than rosy – with growth forecasts being downsized. If current predictions hold, […]