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Namibia QER Quarter 4 2020

The QER for the last quarter of 2020 looks at economic developments between October and December and also assesses the impact of COVID-19 on the economy throughout the year – including GDP, revenue, employment, business viability, and tourism

Civil Society Sustainability Index – Namibia

This short paper was prepared by the IPPR for the CSO Sustainability Index (2019) – covering issues facing Namibian civil society across seven dimensions: Legal Environment, Organisational Capacity, Financial Viability, Advocacy, Service Provision, Sectoral Infrastructure, and Public Image. The report is based on the comments and scores of a panel of civil society experts combined […]

Namibian Governance Report 2015-20

The report sets out to assess the governance record of President Geingob’s first five years in office with reference to two themes that he has proclaimed as central to his intentions to promote good governance: The installing of “robust governance architecture” and Improving systems, processes and institutions. Issues considered include whistleblower protection, access to information, […]

Pandemic Procurement – Red Flags Fluttering

The red flags are flying over Namibia’s emergency procurement procedures. This Procurement Tracker bulletin reviews what happened during the March-September 2020 state of emergency and finds a series of concerning issues including: -Short tender periods; -Very few bidders or only one bidder invited to tender; -Few contracts awarded competitively; -Unclear or inaccessible company registration and/or […]

Depleting Natural Capital

Wildlife poaching, illegal logging, and illegal sand mining have come to characterise Namibia’s struggle to maintain its natural assets in the face of the threats to sustainability posed by climate change. Damage to Namibia’s natural capital has escalated since 2015. This briefing paper maps publicly reported governance failures that are leading to this hugely concerning […]

Namibia QER Quarter 3 2020

This quarterly economic review from the IPPR examines economic developments that took place in the third quarter of 2020, which saw the COVID-19 pandemic hit the economy hard with job losses across various sectors. The government, for the first time since Independence, sought a major loan from the IMF. This QER also includes a special […]

IJG Business Climate Monitor August 2020

The IJG Business Climate Monitor increased from 53.8 in July to 54.8 in August 2020 while the Leading Indicator remained unchanged at 66.7. 16 of the 31 indicators showed an improvement during August, but the value of 15 indicators deteriorated.

Civil Society & The Struggle Against Corruption

In the wake of the Fishrot scandal, Namibian civil society needs to significantly step up its efforts to fight corruption. The best way of doing this would be for civil society organisations to create a common platform that can vigorously promote a national anti-corruption agenda.

Conservation Agriculture

Policymakers and government officials have maintained for years that agriculture has the potential to significantly contribute to national wealth, job creation and food security. Despite being adopted in theory as an approach that can boost output while protecting the environment, Conservation Agriculture (CA) has struggled to take hold in Namibia. The time is now ripe […]

IJG Business Climate Monitor July 2020

The IJG Business Climate Monitor (BCM) continued its upward trend in July and rose slightly to 53.8 from 53.6 a month earlier. The Leading Indicator showed a strong improvement compared to the previous month and increased to 66.7 – up from 63.0. 17 out of the 31 indicators moved upward in July while 14 moved […]